Tuesday 19 September 2017


Ban Social media trolls from voting, election watchdog suggest- The Guardian

Diane Abbot

The article talk about the issues of hate speech and abuse directed to political figures(MPs) and groups. The electoral commission brought up the idea of finding these internet 'trolls' and use the evidence of their hate speech to ban them from things such as voting. One MP in the article had said to have someone threaten to bomb their office, and another MP claimed to have had a “bottle smashed on me”

  • In 2017 general elections it has been found that 87% of MPs have been targeted with abuse online
  • 51% of MPs responding to Radio 5 Live have said that it was the worst time for them in terms of abuse and hate on the internet.
  • “In some instances electoral law does specify offences in respect of behaviour that could also amount to an offence under the general, criminal law. It may be that similar special electoral consequences could act as a deterrent to abusive behaviour in relation to candidates and campaigners,” it states.
I understand why there has been an increase in hate crimes as I have come across several articles that portray refugees for example in a very negative matter, and I believe that this contributes to the other factors that do fuel hate crimes. Also, on the news recently the labour MP Diane Abbott has said to have had sexist and racist remarks directed to her and on the morning show This Morning had said to have had words such as 'N***** B****' directed towards her which sparked outrage of her use of the word. However, I think people should of been more  concerned of the blatant racism and sexism she faces rather than the use of the n-word on live TV. 

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