Tuesday 26 September 2017


Apple blocking ads that follow users around web is 'sabotage', says industry- theguardian

Six major advertising consortia have written an open letter to Apple expressing their “deep concern”.

  • Safari is used by 14.9% of all internet users, according to data from StatCounter.
  • “Apple’s Safari move breaks those standards and replaces them with an amorphous set of shifting rules that will hurt the user experience and sabotage the economic model for the internet.”
  • Google has also made a move on the adblocking market, testing a built-in adblocker for its Chrome browser, which is used by 54.9% of all internet users according to StatCounter.

In this article it talks about how how Apples new IOS 11  will be changing it up in terms of advertising. This means IOS and another High Seierra will stop following the movements of Safari users on the internet, which will stop the targeted ads at iPhone users. 
Now an open letter has been sent nun said major advertising companies expressing their concerns over his new way that Apple are running: “to rethink its plan to … risk disrupting the valuable digital advertising ecosystem that funds much of today’s digital content and services”.I think particularly, for Apple to do this is good but this will as the companies have stated have a major effect on how they would conduct their advertising.

Targeted advertisements are used all around the internet. Tracaking of users movement around the internet has become a important way for advertising networks and become cruscial on brands. Such things in computer such as cookies, small text files (already placed in the computer) allow sites to pin point who has logged into their site. Because o this adverts can file this information to further mark and gain a full picture of the specific browsing history of their audience and thus get a more accurate picture of what suits them and what would lead to which groups starlet which sites. If they are able to find one specific group looking into one site those specific products or sites for their brands are put in those sites as they know their targeted audience would be on that site. 
I think Apple is doing this with all the talk of hacking around the web to make users feel safer and unmonitored on the internet.  
However by Apple not monitoring what users are accessing on the internet will as said "'hurt user experience " and maybe lead to that breaking on the "internet ecosystems ". Targeted ads allow users to have things catered to their needs, having  all these brands knowing who goes in and out and who like the brand is good for both parties in my opinion.

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