Tuesday 26 September 2017

NDM Baseline assessment: Learner response


Criteria to gain high marks from Examiners report: 
-Use of media terminology
-Theorists that back up your points 
-Address the whole questions
-More debate on institutional power vs audience power 
-Higher levels have clear focus on the answer
-Use of a range of case studies to back up point 

 What does the A* essay do well that you need to improve on?

To be able to go back to the questions and to gain the top marks. Also, showing a good critical debate of institutional vs audience and having both sides of points. For me when I get to researching and gaining more information on the case studies, i can use to back up my points well in the exam. To add, being able to critically access the question break it down and show structure is what I lacked but the A* essay did well in. If I am able to structure my work, with detailed examples from case studies and showing a critical understanding of the debate between the two; audience and institutions, I would be able to gain the top marks much like the exemplar essay shown. 

31/48 - C
WWW: An extensive essay that addresses both sides of the debate in some detail. Good examples provided from across NDM
EBI: -Written English is worth keeping an eye on. Paragraph structure- particularly topic sentences. 
        -You are missing specific, detailed examples in places...this would push you towards B+
        -Lack of response to institutional power- the counter to audience power 
        -Lacking media theory
        - Add statistics of case studies 


DEVELOPED INTRO: Developments in new and digital media has had a great impact in the ways which audiences can have access to a greater variety of views and values to a certain extent. Audiences have been empowered by developments from the traditional forms of the media, and the newer forms of the media such as the internet. Using case studies on the news industry and the film distribution industry it can be assessed whether they offer audiences the freedom to choose and select their own set of beliefs or if they are left with no other option. This essay will highlight some of the key changes that have contributed to the currently evolving digital age and the advantages/disadvantages they may carry. 

DEVELOPMENT: Audiences have been empowered to an extent but there are disadvantages as to how much power audiences have and if news digital media  as been used to empower audiences. Technology has been a huge part developments in the new/digital media in many ways causing it to develop into a platform where different views and values are freely being said and have started to emerge, this allows audiences to empowered by these developments. Large-scale news institutions do have some benefits from the changes of new and digital media. The introduction of the internet can allow news institutions to widen the platforms they are on, making their news more accessible thus giving them the capability to reach a large-scale audiences.Thus, they have more platforms to distribute their products which can be linked to provide a multimedia product line. Majority of apps used today have some sought of news available such as Facebook or Snapchat, this is due to the convergence that is taking place on mobile devices and apps, this gives the news industry a better opportunity to get their news to everyone. There are now new ways found to communicate with their audience. There has been more citizen journalism stories more recently in comparison to the past which could show a witness perspective of the story. 
Some of the downsides for audiences as a result of new and digital media in the news is the lack of censorship and gatekeepers for news online, as the news may be false or biased which is a reason to stick to traditional media institutions. Institutions, due to new and digital media, will face loosing out on money and trying to find different way to make profits. So, for audiences, some of this content that may appear to be free won’t be for much longer, content is costly. Audiences may have to pay for news such as The Sun which has a paywall for their online site, which is another reason to stick to newspapers or TV as its cheaper. 

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