Thursday 4 January 2018

NDM 27

The Guardian newspaper adopts tabloid format

Guardian old and new

The article talks of the loss of the Guardian revenue as well as it's transformation of it's newspaper as a whole but why it may effect them as well.
  • The reformatting is part of a drive to cut costs at the paper, which last year made a loss of £38m.
  • "The main reason we did it is because it saves millions of pounds to print a tabloid like this.

  • "We're on track to lose less than £25m this year and we intend to break even next year which would be the first time since the 1980s that the paper has broken even."
  • "The Guardian's journalism itself will remain what it always has been: thoughtful, independent and challenging."
The change of the newspaper may not be significant to the whole of the newspaper but many who read it found the change "different". Some commented on Twitter about how "easy to turn the pages and it doesn’t blow away" and some commented that the new design made the paper look like the Independent. 
The Guardian's editor commented how printing their new newspaper like this would save them more money to print off than before, they changed with: digital "reversioning of the brand, with the website showing a similar aesthetic as the new-look paper".

A particular comment which struck me was a person stating that they "thought the left-leaning paper had not stuck to its moral compass": "Ironic that the new Guardian logo is too far right".
This thought links to the view of de Button as he states that news has lost it's "seriousness" as more people and news brands are looking to 'clickbate' or 'soft news' to attract readers but also what the readers have become used to. With this the comment about how the change of the Guardian, a newspaper which prides itself with hard hitting or "challenging" news, changing it's typeface and overall look would change what they produce as content.
I think, this wouldn't though many newspapers have gone down such a route but since thr Guardian have continued and followed through with their type of news that they wouldn't be doing quizzes like Buzzfeed soon.

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