Tuesday 2 January 2018

NDM 24

Who will be hit hardest by net neutrality? Marginalised America

Demonstrators outside the FCC building in Washington, DC.

The article is about the difficulties people will have after the FCC took away a more free and open internet, by repelling Net Neutrality. Highlighting how this, firstly, 

  •  69 million people in the United States living without home-based internet services.
  • Affordability of broadband creates and exacerbates gaps in financial and educational opportunities
  • the FCC eliminated the rules that prevent internet service providers like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T from blocking, slowing down, or prioritising one website or service over another. 
  • Without net neutrality, the economic and opportunity divide will widen for all

I think with this repealing of a free and open internet and letting "greedy corporations" the ability to have power over what their costumers consume, in terms of internet, is a some what violation of rights. Having the ability to actually "blocking, slowing down, or prioritising one website or service over another" is institutions having a higher power of others enabling them to sell their internet at high prices but also allow them to promote their own ideologies or political ads and such on what they sell.

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